The Jesus Who is coming again.
First for His saints.
1 Thessalonians 4:16-17
About us?
First of all, it's not about us.
It's about Him - Jesus Christ.
The real Jesus and His Gospel.
The Jesus whom the Apostle John wrote about in John 1:1-14.
The One whom Paul preached.
2 Corinthians 11:4, Galatians 1:6-9
The Jesus Christ of Hebrews 13:8
Jesus Christ is the same
yesterday, today and forever.
Finally, to earth.
Revelation 1:7
But to let you know who we are - after not being able to find a church locally, and not wanting to stay at home or be on the road two hours one-way each Sunday morning, a small group of friends started meeting in a home in May 2020. And it was at a dining table over shared meals that a ministry began.
But what to call it? Being blood-bought, Spirit-led, sticklers for accuracy in the teaching of the Word of God, we really wanted to get back to hearing the complete, accurate Word of God and focus on the true Christ of the Bible. A couple names that reflected the area were suggested, but when someone suggested Christ Alone Fellowship, that was it!
In searching the internet for a logo idea, our free logo was found. It's simple. The Bible and the Cross. That says it all!
You will see that our website is quite plain and simple. No frills, no elaborate graphics, no beautiful landscapes; though our area shows the majesty of God and His Creation in every direction we look.
We at CAF believe in KISS (Keep It Simple Saints). We don't have endless meetings regarding how to get the attendance up through programs and various ministries that are mostly attended by the tired staff who do all the meeting, planning and work. We don't have a building that requires the numbers to be up to pay and maintain that building, utilities and upkeep. We don't have endless activities that take us away from family and friends and our time reading the Word.
CAF moved from a home to a more public location and will move as locations and weather dictates. Currently, we are meeting at The Headwaters Arts and Conference Center, Sun Room, through Spring 2021.
We invite you to attend Christ Alone Fellowship if you want to delve deeper into the Word of God with committed followers of Christ. Or, if you have questions and are committed to learning about becoming a true disciple of Jesus, please come for a visit. Since we are a very small fellowship, we hear a message followed by time for discussion and questions.
We take communion every Sunday, since the Lord told us to do so in remembrance of Him until He returns. Being in the last moments of the end times, it is important to be aware of the signs of the times.
The message of the gospel, Jesus Christ, the cross and salvation are simple.
It is in Christ and Christ alone.
Why Christ Alone Fellowship is different from many other churches we have visited or left:
The Welcome - Have you ever walked into a church and felt like a side of beef that just walked into the pit bull section of the animal shelter? Yes, us, too. We hate it! At CAF you will not be cornered by someone with a clipboard or visitor's card asking you for your name and personal information.
Membership - Born again Christians are members of the Body of Christ and we feel that membership in the local church is not important, so we won't be after you to become a member. And, the only attendance roll we are concerned about is the one that will be "called up yonder".
The Message - We have heard wonderful teaching and preaching - that's why we'd drive one - two hours one-way to hear it. But to sit and listen to a message that is rambling, confusing, unbiblical, - one that the preacher has "massaged" to convey the agenda he wants to pursue is torture. CAF messages take six - eight hours each week of preparation. CAF's teacher/preacher, like Paul, has a day job, so if due to his work schedule there is not a message that week, we will watch a Bible-based documentary, teaching or movie.
Leadership - Christ is to be head of the church, not a man, not a woman, not a board. And if we are to obey and submit to human leadership, "for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account" (Hebrews 13:17), how can we obey and submit, if we don't trust or respect leadership we sit under because they are not submitted to the Bible? Even the Top 10! CAF leadership is committed to Christ and keeping teachings biblical.
Balanced Doctrine - Many, if not most, churches tickle the ears in order to get people in. It's about the numbers, rather than souls. The churches are top heavy with love, grace, and prosperity, but void of teachings on sin, repentance and hell. If it's important to Jesus, it is important to us at CAF. We don't believe in "come as you are" and "stay as you are". We believe the gospel and Christ can transform anyone who is committed to repentance and a new life in Christ.
Non-Denominational - CAF is not a part of a denomination or a movement, so we don't have to follow anyone else's guidelines, only those in the Bible.
Eternity - CAF is concerned about eternity. It just goes on and on. There's no end. False teachers and false prophets are out for themselves with no regard to the eternal souls of others. Teachers will be held accountable at a higher level. There is a heaven. There is a hell. If God's warnings are not accurately taught, it will be hell for many teachers and those who follow them enjoying having their ears tickled.